Propulsion means the action or process of pushing or pulling to drive an object .

The term is derived from two Latin words: pro, meaning before or forward; and pellere, meaning to drive.

A propulsion system consists of a source of mechanical power, and a propulsor (means of converting this power into propulsive force).

Generation of the Propulsive Force

It is important to understand how propulsive force is calculated.

Propulsive Force = Mass Ejected per Unit Time x Effective Exhaust Velocity

To begin with rocket propulsion we share this video with you:

Which can let you understand how the Newton’s 3rd Law and the propulsion systems are related.

There are several types of rocket propulsion systems. 

  • Electric based
  • Nuclear Energy Based
  • Chemicals
    • 3 types:  Liquid , Solid and Hybrids
  • Cold Gas

Now we share schematics for some types.

Rocket Propulsion
Liquid Rocket Schematic
Solid Rocket Schematic
Solid Rocket System
Hybrid Rocket Schematic
Hybrid Rocket System

[1] Introduction to Rocket Propulsion – Karabeyoglu KOC University.

We recommend you: Rocket Propulsion – Part 1

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