In this co-creative workshop, the new generation of girls and women in the space industry came together to explore possible futures. The session engaged participants in a process that allowed them to share ideas and perspectives through forward-thinking tools and forecasting techniques, anticipating multiple scenarios, and developing decision-making strategies.

Exercise to explore and design the possibilities of tomorrow together with experts in the Mexican space community, with whom they talked about the opportunities and actions to build together a future in space accessible to all.
Provide the girls and women attendees with tools to envision the future of space exploration, with the help of mentors who will act as facilitators to guide the new generation of girls in the space sector.
In this workshop, the girls will be able to notice the need for scientific and non-scientific vocations in space, which will generate greater interest in studying a STEM career.
Registration and welcome
The first workshop participants, girls, students and mothers began to arrive early, all curious to know what they would do in the workshop and what they would discover in the course. While the registration was underway, little by little, the participants began to get to know each other and share their enthusiasm for space, thus meeting future partners with the same passion and interest in the possibilities of space.
At the same time, they appeared at the work tables to read the different topics, from space tourism in 2040 to lunar bases in 2050. The attendees sat at the tables with scenarios. What intrigued them?

At the opening were welcome words from the Mexican Space Agency Eng directors Mario Arriola, Director of Science and Technology Outreach; Mtro Carlos Duarte, General Coordinator of Human Capital Training in the Space Field; and Dr. Salvador Landeros, Mexican Space Agency General Director.
To kick off the activities, the moderator of the event, Emilié Estrada, Executive Professional of the AEM and National Contact Point of the Space Generation Advisory Council, introduced the mentors and facilitators of each of the workgroups; Anne Johnson, Anthropologist and Professor at the Iberoamerican University; Dr. Trish Luna, Astrophysicist from Astrophysicists in Action; Ing. Hanoi Talavera, Ericson; and Kaori Becerril, Chief Design Officer at Dereum Labs.

After some warm-up questions to prepare the participants, we proceeded with the main exercise of the event, exploring future scenarios by identifying the impacts and implications of trends or patterns in the short, medium and long term, based on the topic assigned to each of the tables.
As the conversations flowed, more and more ideas emerged, from the results of technological advances, new international space regulations, new languages and lunar societies; to political and commercial conflicts over asteroid resources. The enthusiasm among all the participants grew, leading them to different reflections on the future of space, its possibilities and actions to take. They began bringing up new careers in space, from space archaeologists, designers, and low gravity geneticists to space chefs.
At the end of all their conversations, they were tasked with illustrating one of the future scenarios they discussed on a magazine cover or front page of the future to present to the entire group.

The results were unique and exciting, a Mexican lunar base like the new Tenochtitlán, the discovery of new minerals in asteroids that are used as fuel to generate trips to Mars in 20 minutes or genetic manipulation for the evolution of a human capable of surviving on the Moon without a spacesuit.
Closing of the event
All participants received their certificate of participation, along with a gift poster. The Immersive Design Workshop of the Industrial Design Research Center developed augmented reality experiences to interact with the attendees’ posters to show them the result of the futures they devised through IG filters.

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Ver en español: Workshop: Diseña el futuro del espacio